1. Use a hyphen inside a character set to specify a range. ʹ�����ֺ��ڵ��ַ�������ָ��һ����Χ��
2. This is actually three bits of information, joined together by a double hyphen. ��ʵ��������˫������ɵ�������Ϣ��
3. The existing system of Internet top-level domain name including the support of only 26 English letters and Arabic numerals and a hyphen 0-9, 37 characters. ���еĻ���������������ϵֻ֧�ְ���26��Ӣ����ĸ�����ַ��Ͱ���������0��9���ڵ�37���ַ���
1. a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when
2. divide or connect with a hyphen