1. His motorboat hurtled along the river. ����Ħ��ͧ�ں��Ϸɳ۶�����
2. There is official intercommunication hurtle, civilians in advance take measures to try to start China-Japan relationship. �ٷ�����Ľ����ܵ����ƣ�����������ȿ�չ��̽�Ե��Ʊ���
3. Of the millions of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit, some hurtle Earthwards --and have several times nearly wiped out life on Earth. ��ÿһ�η���̫��ϵʱ�����ӹ����˦���ϰ�����ҿ飬����һЩ�������ķ���--�м��μ����ݻٵ����ϵ�������
1. move with or as if with a rushing sound
2. make a thrusting forward movement
3. throw forcefully
hurtle ����;
hurtle sock ��Ͷ;
dart dartle hurtle onrush tantivy ͻ��;
Hurtle to adjust the beverage �����Ʒ ----;
afoul butt collide collided collision hit hurtle impact ��ײ;