1. Nick: There are many events. However, there are generally four types: track race, road race, travel race, cross-country race and multi-day race. ��ˣ���Ŀ�Dz��٣����������Ϊ���ࣺĦ�г���������Ħ�г���·����Ħ�г���������Ħ�г�ԽҰ���Ͷ�������
2. The reason for this is the genetic manipulations of the human species by human scientists to create a paired down "slave race" or a human race that would be subservient. ������Ϊ�����ѧ��������������ʵʩ����ٿأ�������һ�������ġ�ū���塱��һ��˳�ӵ��������塣
3. Level and Club Race Level, and 2 Race Series with different Race Classes competing in the Championship. ���ܻ�������𣬺�������
4. Race fee is RMB 200. -/pers. including T-shirt, excluding race food, race drinks and gardens entrances (pay as you go). 200Ԫ������һ��T������������ʳ����ϣ��ͻ����ѣ�
5. Adam: Long-distance race, dash, hurdle race, relay race, standing long jump, high jump, shotput and so on. �ǵ������ܣ����ܣ���������������������Զ�����ߣ�Ǧ�ȵȡ�