1. However, losing animal nature retrograded human beings, which is a big price that human beings paid for taking superiority over other animals in evolution. Ȼ����ʧȥ����ı�����һ���˻��������ݻ����������������������������֮�Ϻ��������Ĵ��ۡ�
2. This is the fundamental reason why human beings have the most powerful inductive capacity and are able to have induction of the overall cosmic mechanisms that human beings are unable to see wholly. ���������ܹ�������ǿ�ĸ�Ӧ�������ܹ���Ӧ��������ȫ�������ġ������������Ƶĸ���ԭ��
3. Later cheng claimed in his essays Some Other Words and Civilization Constrains Human Beings"that "Art is a form of life for human beings. life, itself being a state of nature, has what art has. ���Ǻ����ڡ�����һЩ�����͡�������Լ�����ࡷ�����˵���������������һ��������ʽ��������Ϊһ����Ȼ�������еģ����������С�
4. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth. �ڻ����İ����£���������ڿ��з��У����ϵķ�����Ҳ���Խ�����档
5. We beings, not necessarily we are human beings, were primordially happy ones with the laws of nature. ���Dz�һ�������࣬�����������������Ȼ����Ϊһ������塣
crime of abducting and trafficking human beings �����˿���;
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crime of abducting and trafficking human beings �����˿���;
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