1. The forms of Action for Confirmation include the Affirmative Action, Negative Action and Action for Document Confirmation. ȷ��֮�ߵ���̬����������ȷ��֮�ߡ�������ȷ��֮�ߡ�����������α��ȷ��֮�ߡ�
2. According to the regulation of the Penal Code, there are tow action which relate to the smuggling action, they are helping smuggling action and Shielding smuggling action used arms. �����̷��Ĺ涨������������˽��Ϊ���������Ϊ����������˽��Ϊ����װ�ڻ���˽��Ϊ��
3. According to the regulation of the Penal Code, there are tow action which relate to the smuggling action, they are helping smuggling action and Shielding smuggling action used arms. �����̷��Ĺ涨������������˽��Ϊ���������Ϊ����������˽��Ϊ����װ�ڻ���˽��Ϊ��
4. Just like���� Jacky����Jacky Cheung he do the action pan movie is hard for a human being to do it , ok? but you can do it, you can find a human��being action in this movie. ����Jacky����Jacky�����Ĺ����Ӱ��һ�������������ѣ��ǰɣ��������������������������Ӱ���һ������Ķ�����
5. Every human thought, and every human action, is based in either love or fear. There is no other human motivation. �˵�ÿ����ͷ��ÿ���ж������dz��ڰ����dz��ڿ־塣�������⣬û�������Ķ�����
Nature and Human and Human Being Society ��Ȼ�˺��������;
Human Environment and Human Ecology �������������̬ѧ;
Human and Nature in the Eyes of Marx and Engel--Viewpoints of Environmental Protection Law in the Effect of Labor From Ape to Human ����˼������˹���е�������Ȼ--���Ͷ��ڴ�Գ����ת������е����á��еĻ�����˼��;