1. A small, elongated erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva, homologous with the penis. '����'��''������һ��λ������ǰ�������쳤�����С���٣������������ơ�
2. Induced the existing key problem of the development exploitation and usage, and put forward to homologous improvement suggestion, policy and measure. ������ɽ��ʡ��ú̿��Դ�����������д��ڵ���Ҫ���⣬�������Ӧ�ĸ��ƽ��顢���ߺʹ�ʩ��
3. This paper analyzes the change features of vegetation and hydrology in Ruoergai Wetland and puts forward some homologous plans and measures for the restoration of the wetland ecosystem. ���ķ�����������ʪ�ص�ˮ�ĺ�ֲ���ı仯���������ˮ�ĺ�ֲ���ı仯������ʪ����̬ϵͳ�ָ��������Ӧ�ĶԲߺʹ�ʩ��
1. having the same evolutionary origin but serving different functions
2. corresponding or similar in position or structure or function or characteristics; especially derived