1. AUTO GROUND: Automatic ground balance - raise search coil off ground, press the AUTO GROUND button, lower the coil to the ground, and release the button for precision auto-balancing. 自动地面:地面自动平衡-提高搜索起飞地面线圈,按AUTO按钮地面,降低线圈到地面,并释放精密自动按钮平衡。
2. There are strict demands on ground brush of ground installation, and different ground brushes produced by using different ways of burying ground wires. 接地装置的接地电阻有严格的要求,不同埋设地线的方法会产生不同的接地电阻。
3. Additionally there are ground-to-air, ground-to-ground, air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles, etc. 另外,还有地对空导弹、地对地导弹、空对地导弹、空对空导弹等。
4. For low frequency and logic measurement, any ground connection from scope ground to circuit ground is OK, the probe ground may be left open. 对于低频和逻辑测量﹐如有任何从示波器的地到电路地的连接﹐探头的地就可以不接。
5. There are strict demands on ground brush of ground installation, and different ground brushes produced by using different ways of burying ground wires. 接地装置的接地电阻有严格的要求,不同埋设地线的方法会产生不同的接地电阻。
a home from home 舒适环境;
A home away from home 他乡遇故知;
hit the needle hit the right nail on the head strike home went home 击中要害;