house ���Դʣ���ָһ�й���ס�Ľ������ָ�ʺ�һ��һ����ס�ķ��ݡ� building ��ָһ�н���������ھ�ס�ķ��ӡ� dwelling ��ʽ�ôʣ���ָ���Ǿ�ס���κν���� shelter ��ָ���ڻ���ʱ��ס����Ҳָ��ª����ʱ��Ķ�ܷ���ij����� habitation ָ���û�̶���ס�����ס�ء� home ָ����ס��ʱ�����м�ͥ�����е���ů����е���Ϣ�� residence ָ����ûʵ�Ԣ���ݣ�Ҳָ�����ϵľ�ס�㡣
1. It's time for you to home now, it's too late. ��̫���ˣ���ûؼ��ˡ�
2. And you work out at home, too! �������ڼ���Ҳ�������˶���
3. Well then, shall we go home now? ��ô���������ڿ��Իؼ��˰�?
1. where you live at a particular time
2. housing that someone is living in
3. the country or state or city where you live
4. an environment offering affection and security
5. an institution where people are cared for
6. the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end
7. a social unit living together
8. (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base ru
9. place where something began and flourished v.
1. provide with, or send to, a home
2. return home accurately from a long distance adj.
1. used of your own ground
2. relating to or being where one lives or where one's roots are
3. inside the country adv.
1. at or to or in the direction of one's home or family
2. on or to the point aimed at
3. to the fullest extent; to the heart