1. But this kind of exhibition is easyly to be made into hodgepodge. ��������չ��Ҳ�������ɴ��ӻ⡣
2. All dreams exist in hodgepodge of possibility surrounding the physical plane. �������룬��������Χ�����ʲ���Χ�Ŀ����Դ��ӻ��С�
3. The region became a hodgepodge of languages and dialects, some from the East, some from the South and some from other countries entirely. ���������Ϊ���Ժͷ��ԵĴ��ӻ⣬��Щ���Զ�������Щ�����ϲ�������Щ��ȫ�����Ա�Ĺ��ҡ�
1. a motley assortment of things
2. a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas