1. We have seen that the hibernating animal reduces movement to far below the ordinary level. �����Ѿ��˽���߶���Ļ�����͵�Զ����ͨˮƽ���¡�
2. We have seen that the hibernating animal reduces movement to far below the ordinary level . �����Ѿ����������߶���Ļ�����ٵ�ԶԶ����һ���ˮƽ��
3. Hibernating myocardium has special characteristics in its evolution of concept, mechanisms, metabolism of energy substances as well as morphological alterations. �����ļ��ڸ����ݱ䡢�������ơ��������ʴ�л����̬ѧ�ı䷽�涼�����������ص㡣
1. in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation