1. The bad weather added to the helplessness of the shipwrecked sailors. ����������ʹ��Ա���ް취����֮�������˻�������
2. This may cause confusion, self doubt, and feelings of helplessness for a child. ��һ��������˵������ܻ�����������һ��ɣ��Լ������С�
3. I often feel a sense of helplessness in trying to counter the damage they cause when they abuse their privilege. ������ͼ�����������Լ���������Ȩ����ɵ��˺��Կ�ʱ���ҳ����е�һ��������
1. powerlessness revealed by an inability to act
2. the state of needing help from something
3. a feeling of being unable to manage