1. The Hegemony/AI Consortium alliance: an empire that dominates an entire galaxy. ��Ȩ/�˹�����ͬ�ˣ�һ��֧���������ӵĵ۹���
2. The party has always sought to assert its legitimacy by representing itself as a bulwark against Japanese hegemony. ������һֱ���������ɶԿ��ձ���Ȩ�ı��ݣ���ͼ�������Լ���������Ϊ��
3. From ancient Sparta and Athens to Britain and Germany a century ago, hegemony and upstarts have tended to collide, rather than cooperate. ��Զ�ŵ�˹�ʹ����ŵ䣬��һ��������ǰ��Ӣ����¹�������������֮�������ڶԿ����Ǻ�����
1. the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others