1. Indulge not in heedlessness, have no intimacy with sensuous delights; for the earnest, meditative person obtains abundant bliss. �������ڷ��ݣ���̰���йٵ����ܣ������ȳ����ҳ���˼�������ˣ��ɻ�ô��֡�
2. The monk who delights in heedfulness and looks with fear at heedlessness advances like fire, burning all fetters, small and large. ���ھ������ӷ���ΪΣ���ı�����������ǰ�����վ�һ�д�С��������
3. Today I too, for this day &night �� abandoning fermented &distilled liquors that cause heedlessness �� abstain from fermented &distilled liquors that cause heedlessness. ������Ҳ����һ��һҹ֮�У��뵼��ʧ�������͵���Ʒ���䵼��ʧ�������͵���Ʒ��
1. a lack of attentiveness (as to children or helpless people)
2. the trait of acting rashly and without prudence
3. the trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities