1. New type PDC cutters and heavyset gage design promote longer bit life in hard and abrasive formations. ���������ݼ����ܶȱ������������ͷ��Ӳ��ĥ�Եز��е�ʹ��������
2. Abruptly a woman came into view. Heavyset, deliberate in her movements, she took something from a table and moved from sight. ͻȻһ����Ů����Ӱ���������ҵ����ߣ��������࣬��ֹ���ݣ����������˸�ʲô�����ʹ���������ʧ�ˡ�
3. These days, I am consumed more with the immediate: the heavyset sky, the sitting fog, and on the horizon, a thousand new buildings being erected. ��Щ���ӣ��ҵ���˼��뱻��ǰ�ľ�����ռ�ݣ��ͳ�����գ��þò�ɢ��Ũ�����Լ��ӵ�ƽ���ϰεض������ǧ���½�����