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hearsay ['hiəsei]



    n. ���ţ�ҥ��
    adj. ���ŵģ����ŵ�



    1. Some people are always interested in hearsay news concerning pop stars movie stars.
    �е������ǶԹ������� ���Ǻ�Ӱ�ǵ�С����Ϣ ����Ȥ��
    2. He had thought he could accept her complicated past, but in fact told him that he is human, no way to accept hearsay.
    3. But it is a pity, our side's many people indeed are this condition, some know something about, but originates mostly from the hearsay.


      1. gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth
      2. heard through another rather than directly


    ����֤��; С����Ϣ; ����; ҥ��;
    hearsay evidence
    ����֤��; ��ֱ��֤��, ����֤��; ����֤�ݣ���ƴ���֤�ݣ�������֤��; ��„�C��;
    hearsay knowledge
    hearsay rumor
    the hearsay rule


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