1. If there were fingerprint stamps on today's bun not yesterday's bun, what sense did I have? ����������죬���ǽ������������������ָ��ӡ�����ֻ���ʲô���ĸо��أ�
2. on this day, peoples aslo eat bun with cross on it. it's called a hot cross bun. many people get together to have a �����죬�ܶ��˻�Դ���ʮ��ͼ����������ܶ��˻�����˾���һ������һ�ٷ�ʢ�����͡�
3. They rolled it into small bun-sized balls and put a little pastry cross on the top of each bun. ���ǰ��������С�����С��������ÿһ����������һ������Ƥ��
4. he wished for standing in the line for meal and receiving a portion of grade B dish as others did to go with a white steamed bun or a yellow steamed bun. ��Ը�Լ�ÿ�������Ķ����Ҳ�ܺͱ���һ����һ���Ҳˣ�����ÿ�ٷ��ܴ���һ�����ɻ����ɡ�