1. "Then I need ask no further, " said the clergyman, somewhat hastily rising from his chair. �������������ҾͲ��ض����ˣ�����ʦ˵�ţ��е��æ�ش�������վ������
2. The government hastily trained medics, known as barefoot doctors, to provide basic care to peasants. ����Ѹ���ռ�ҽѧ�������ˡ����ҽ����Ϊũ���ṩ����ҽ�Ʒ���
3. History slowly smothers its truth, but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain. ��ʷ�����ذ����������ڸǣ���������ڵľ�ʹ�У���æ�ط����������֡�
1. in a hurried or hasty manner
hastily ���;
Gone Hastily ���´Ҵ�;
carelessly hastily �ݲ�;
She dressed herself hastily ����æ�����·���;