1. Is the hanger still in balance?Why? �¼ܻ��ᱣ��ƽ����Ϊʲô��
2. All of our costumes are packaged with a color insert in either a vinyl snap bag or on a hanger. �������еķ�װ�İ�װ����һ����ɫ����Ƕ�����ϩ���������ϻ��¼��ϡ�
3. This paper analyses the factors that affect the steam & water pipe and pipe-hanger security during commissioning flushing process for new built unit. ���½����ٽ������Գ�ܽι�����Ӱ����ˮ�ܵ���֧���ܰ�ȫ�Եĸ������ؽ��з�����
1. a worker who hangs something
2. anything from which something can be hung