1. Then out of the blue, the elderly lady appeared - with a handcart! ����ͻȻ�䣬��λ�ϸ��˳�����-����һ̨���Ƴ���
2. THE world is not going to hell in a handcart. Things are not worse than they were 25 years ago. ������ƻ�û���㵽����ȣ����ڵ�����Ҳ������25��ǰ����⡣
3. The handcart was got ready and the body was placed on it, covered with the blanket, and bound in its place with the rope. ���Ƴ������ˣ����ǾͰ�ʬ��������棬����̺���̸Ǻã������������á�
1. wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may have one or two or four wheels