1. Do not expect the world to look bright, if you habitually wear gray-brown glasses. ---Eliot. ���ڴ������翴������������--��������Ǵ��ػ�ɫ���۾���-----�����ء�
2. People usually express their interests by what they habitually talk about and how they allocate their time and money. ��������ͨ���ճ���̸�����ݺ�ʱ�䣬��Ǯ���䷽ʽ�������Լ�����Ȥ���á�
3. In fact, very lonely Gemini girls. Habitually because they all are the property of all the root in their own thinking. ��ʵ˫����Ů�����ܹ¶�����Ϊ����ϰ���Եذ�һ��һ�ж�������Լ���˼ά�С�
1. according to routine or established practice
2. according to habit or custom