1. A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of the woodcutter. һ���ŷ�ľ��װ�����˳����ڳDZ��ſڡ�
2. Levchenko thought: it was the war in the name of peace; subversion in the guise of humanitarianism. �з��տ��룺�����Ժ�ƽ������е�ս���������˵�����αװ�µ�����
3. The company has been accused of trying to sell their products under the guise of market research in order to get more profits since 1989. 1989���������ù�˾һֱ�ܵ�ָ�أ�ԭ������Ϊ�˻�ø����������ͼ���г�����Ϊ�������������Ʒ��