1. Could he offer his oil and grime in exchange for her clean, fresh beauty? ��������������ú��ȥ�������ྻ���µ�������
2. And it is no false modesty to say that there is a long way to go before all the grime is gone. ��ȻҪ�����еij�����������Ҫ��һ�κܳ���·����Ҳ�����dz���ǫѷ����ô˵��
3. The boat's hull and topside were absent of rust and grime, while a fresh coat of paint covered the most weathered areas. ���Ǻ�����û���κ�����������ۣ���������Щ�������ʴ�IJ��֣�Ҳ��ˢ�������������ᡣ
1. the state of being covered with unclean things
2. make soiled, filthy, or dirty