1. The pirates were said to be armed with guns and rocket-grenade launchers, and some escaped on speed boats. ��˵��������װ��ǹ�Լ�������������������һЩ���ɿ�ͧ���ߡ�
2. Grenade's wall - to - wall greenery extends right down the steep hillsides to some of the best beaches in the Caribbean. �����ɴ��ص���ɫ��ľ˳�����͵�ɽ��һֱ���쵽���ձȺ��ļ�����õĺ�̲��
3. As the squad retreated, the crowd angrily followed them, and the guerrillas had to set off a grenade to make their escape. ���Ұ��ʱ��Ⱥ�ڷ�ŭ�ظ������ǣ��λ�սʿ�Dz��ò�����һö���������ѡ�
1. a small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile