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glance [ɡlɑ:ns, ɡlæns]



    n. һƳ��һ��������
    vi. ɨ�ӣ��Ҵ�һ�������⣻Ƴ����Ƴ��
    vt. ɨ�ӣ�Ƴ��������



    1. I thought I heard someone following me, and glancing round, I caught sight of a dark figure in the shadows.
    2. She just walked past me without so much a glance of recognition.
    3. He sized the situation up at a glance and took immediate action.


      1. a quick look
      2. throw a glance at; take a brief look at
      3. rebound after hitting


    ɨ��; �Կ���; ��һ��; ����;
    glance at
    ɨ��; �����(���Ե�)��һ��; �ᵽ; �Ҵ�һƳ;
    glance over
    ��������Ե��Ķ�; ���; ɨ��; ����һ�������;
    copper glance
    antimony glance
    �����; �԰���;


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