1. I thought I heard someone following me, and glancing round, I caught sight of a dark figure in the shadows. �Ҿ��������������˸����ҵ��������㻷�����ܣ����ֺڰ�����һ����Ӱ��
2. She just walked past me without so much a glance of recognition. �����ô����Ա��߹���һ��Ҳ�����ң��Ͳ���ʶһ����
3. He sized the situation up at a glance and took immediate action. ������һ�۱���������ƣ�Ȼ��������ȡ���ж���
1. a quick look
2. throw a glance at; take a brief look at
3. rebound after hitting
glance ɨ��;
glance at ɨ��;
glance over ��������Ե��Ķ�;