1. Give you point sunlight you brilliant, give you smiling face you turn on electricity and give you piece quilted jacket you perspire and give you basket animal feed you lay egg. �����������Ͳ��ã������Ц����ͷŵ磬������ް���ͳ������������������µ���
2. It is a shame for the soul to be first to give way in this life, when thy body does not give way. ϣ�����ܵ������Լ����������ĵĹ���ÿһ�죬Ҫ����Ҳ���Լ��Ÿ��٣�����һ��ȥ���Σ�
3. In terms of the way of conducting public diplomacy, we should give up the one-way spread of information and adopt the two-way exchange and multi-layer spread. �о������⽻���ڵ�������ѧ�����ù�����˵���ź�������ý�壻���ƹ����⽻�ĵ���ģʽ��ѧ��˫���Ͷ�㴫����
4. Your guidance assists you individually and your guidance teaches you the way to calmness, the way to adventure, the way to joy and the way of life upon your planet. ���ǵ�ָ���߸���������Ƕ������ǵ�ָ���̵߽�����ƽ���ķ����������ķ�ʽ��ϲ�õķ�ʽ�����������ϵ����ʽ��
5. The way you vote, the way you live, the way you protest, the pressure you bring to bear on your government, has an impact way beyond your borders. ����ͶƱ�ķ�ʽ����������ķ�ʽ�����Ƿ��Եķ�ʽ���������Ǹ�����������ѹ�����������ǵĹ���֮���γ�һ��Ӱ�졣
clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way ��·;
clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way ��·;
clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way ��·;
clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way ��·;