1. Design of vent system includes vent groove, vent plug and clearance of ejector pin. ��������о��ģ�߷����������ۡ��������Լ��Ƹ˼�϶����������ϵͳ��Ʒ�����
2. Oil conservator should have the device of oil-filling, oil-discharge, gas relief and blow-down, oil level meter, vent plug, vent-pipe, lowdown pipe, oil inlet pipe, 'lifting hook and so on. 4����Ӧ����ע�͡����͡�����������װ�ã�������λ�ơ��������������ܡ����۹ܺͽ��ܼ����ʵȡ�
3. Liquid tailpipes shall vent downward, and gas (vapor) tail-pipes shall vent upward when discharging to atmosphere. Һ���ŷŹ�Ӧ��������ŷţ����壨������������������������Ӧ�����ŷš�
4. Open vent needle valve and bleed air from hose. Then close vent valve. �����������η������������ŷſ�����Ȼ��ر���������
5. Pressure gauge with negative pressure indication, pressure sensor, automatic vent safety protection device and manual drain tap on vent-pipe are required. 3��������װ����и�ѹָʾ��ѹ������ѹ�����������Զ�������ȫ����װ�ü��ֶ��������š�
abreact abreaction give vent to take out vent wreak ��й;
abreact abreaction give vent to take out vent wreak ��й;
abreact abreaction give vent to take out vent wreak ��й;
abreact abreaction give vent to take out vent wreak ��й;
abreact abreaction give vent to take out vent wreak ��й;