1. WHO says environmental hazards can cause __9__, still birth, low birth weight and birth defects. 世卫组织称环境危害可能导致流产,死胎,出生体重不足,婴儿先天性缺陷。
2. WHO says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage, still birth, low birth weight and birth defects. WHO表示环境危害可能导致流产、死胎、出生体重不足和婴儿先天性缺陷。
3. WHO says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage, still birth, low birth weight and birth defects. WHO说环境危害可以导致流产、难产、新生儿低重及新生儿缺陷。
4. The contents of right of birth cover the right of birth or abortion, and the knowledge of planned birth. 生育权的内容包括了计划生育权、堕胎权以及获得计划生育知识、方法和教育权。
5. Give you point sunlight you brilliant, give you smiling face you turn on electricity and give you piece quilted jacket you perspire and give you basket animal feed you lay egg. 给你点阳光你就灿烂,给你个笑容你就放电,给你件棉袄你就出汗,给你筐饲料你就下蛋。
premature birth and postmature birth 早产与过期产;
premature birth and postmature birth 早产与过期产;
bring come into being engender give birth to produce 产生;
bring come into being engender give birth to produce 产生;