1. Slowly out of its hole crawled the gigantic snake. һ����̬�Ӵ���������شӶ�����������
2. I was simply telling a truth that people should know about this President, a man with gigantic power. ���������ͳ�����ӵ������Ȩ�����ˣ���ֻ�ǽ�������Ӧ��֪����һЩʵ����
3. The pressure assist tank make use of service pipe net self's pressure cleverly, to compress the air accumulated in the tank , formatting gigantic potential energy. ��ѹˮ���������������ˮ����������ѹ������ˮ���ڴ����ѹ�����γɾ�����ܣ��ڳ�ϴʱ����ǿ��������
1. so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth