1. In his experiment, the genetically altered mice approached cats, even snuggled up to them and played with them. �����������У�����ı�������ӽ�è��������è���ˣ���ˣ��һ��
2. One biomedical application of the cloning technique is genetically modifying animals so that their cells and organs can be transplanted into humans. ��¡������һ������ҽѧӦ�����Ŵ��Եظı䶯�ʹ���ǵ�ϸ������������ֲ�����ࡣ
3. Happiness, like cholesterol level, is a genetically influenced trait. Yet as cholesterol is also influenced by diet and exercise, so our happiness is to some extent under our personal control. �Ҹ������̴�����һ���Ŵ����ԡ�Ȼ�������̴�Ҳ����ʳ�Ͷ�����Ӱ��һ�������ǵ��Ҹ���һ���̶���Ҳ�����Ǹ��˿��ơ�