1. Having lost his apprentice, Sidious' next gambit centered not on the raising of a new apprentice, but the converting a suitable Jedi candidate. ʧȥͽ��֮�����϶�˹����һ���壬��������һ����ͽ�ܣ����Dz߷�һ�����ʵľ�����ѡ��
2. King Varian Wrynn says: Perhaps. I doubt the effectiveness of this gambit. We would be better served preparing our armies for the final assault. �������ﰲ���������Ҳ�����Ҳ�ȷ�������ӻ�������á�����Ӧ��������ǵľ������ý������Ľ�����
3. But Magna's gambit to win Opel and now Saturn from the rapidly disintegrating General Motors may prove to be an example of what happens when things go right. ���Ǵ�Ŀ�����Ӯ��ŷ�������Ǵ�����Ѹ���߽�ͨ���������ܻᱻ֤����һ������ʱ�������������Ȩ����
1. an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker
2. a maneuver in a game or conversation
3. a chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an adv