1. A gallon contains four quarts. һ���ء��൱�����Ŀ��ѡ�
2. The prices are dropping quickly, back to below three dollars a gallon in many areas. �۸��½��ķdz��죬�ںܶ�ط��ֻص�һ��������Ԫ���¡�
3. Keeping your tires inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3%. Every gallon of gasoline saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere! ������̥��������ÿ��λȼ�ϵ���ʻ�������ӳ���3%����ÿ��ʡһ�������ͣ������еĶ�����̼���ܼ���20����
1. United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters
2. a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters