1. Sequela: Because, the skin in the winter is the easiest dry and appear petty furrow when oh! ����֢������ļ�������������Ϊ���������ϸС���Ƶ�ʱ��Ŷ��
2. A long narrow trench or furrow dug in the ground, as for irrigation, drainage, or a boundary line. ��������ˮ����''��'ˮ��'��''�ڵ����������Ĺ�����ϸ�������ڹ�ȡ���ˮ�������ֽ��ߡ�
3. Because mastication can exercise facial muscle, improve facial haemal circulation, enhance the metabolic function of facial cell, make furrow gradually subsidise. ��Ϊ���ܶ����沿���⣬�����沿��ѪҺѭ������ǿ�沿ϸ�����³´�л���ܣ�ʹ���������ˡ�
1. a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plow)
2. a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface v.
1. hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove
2. make wrinkled or creased
3. cut a furrow into a columns