1. Despite the squall line and cold front there are many similarities, but there are also very different, the squall line also often referred to as "pseudo-cold front" or "leave the cold front. �������������в�������֮������Ҳ�кܴ���죬���ֳ�����߳�Ϊ��α��桱����桱��
2. After taking apart the front tire, front fender, front break, front pack holder, seat and steering, we could finally fit the bike in the box. �ܹ���ж��ǰ�֡�ǰ����塢��̤�塢ǰɲ����ǰ���ܡ����桢����֮���������װ�Ľ�����ֽ���
3. A hinge apparatus of a drum for a clothing drier includes a front hinge portion formed between a front of a case and a front of a drum, for rotatably supporting the front of the drum; һ���·���ɻ��Ĺ�Ͳ�½�װ�ã��������������ǰ���Ͳǰ��֮�������Կ���ת�ķ�ʽ֧�Ź�Ͳǰ����ǰ�½Ӳ��֣�
4. A hinge apparatus of a drum for a clothing drier includes a front hinge portion formed between a front of a case and a front of a drum, for rotatably supporting the front of the drum; һ���·���ɻ��Ĺ�Ͳ�½�װ�ã��������������ǰ���Ͳǰ��֮�������Կ���ת�ķ�ʽ֧�Ź�Ͳǰ����ǰ�½Ӳ��֣�
5. People uses 4 decorative thread commonly on metope previously: The shade horn line, line that hang lens (picturesque scene line) , lumbar line and the line that play a base. ��ǰ������ǽ����һ������ĵ�װ���ߣ������ߡ��Ҿ��ߣ������ߣ������ߺ��߽��ߡ�
battlefront front front line ǰ��;
ahead at the fore in front precede to the fore up front ��ǰ��;