1. Small screen crawl software, can use the mouse to select the scope of direct crawl, or window or full-screen crawl and reduction, and pre-editing program and print. СС�Ļ���ץȡ���������������ֱ��ѡȡ��Χץȡ�����Ӵ���ȫ��Ļ��ץȡ���ṩ�ü�����Ԥ��༭�������ӡ��
2. Small screen crawl software, can use the mouse to select the scope of direct crawl, or window or full-screen crawl and reduction, and pre-editing program and print. СС�Ļ���ץȡ���������������ֱ��ѡȡ��Χץȡ�����Ӵ���ȫ��Ļ��ץȡ���ṩ�ü�����Ԥ��༭�������ӡ��
3. Worm worm, crawl all day. Here comes birdy. crawl away. С���ӣ�С���ӣ�һ�쵽��������С�����ˣ��Ͻ��뿪�ɣ�
4. Crawl: A stroke made in the prone position characterized by alternate over arm movements and a continuous up-and-down kick; originally known as the Australian crawl. ��Ӿ��һ��Ӿ�ˡ������ø������ƣ���˫������������ˮ��˫������������ˮΪ�ص㣬���ͨ��Ϊ�Ĵ�������Ӿ��
5. After taking apart the front tire, front fender, front break, front pack holder, seat and steering, we could finally fit the bike in the box. �ܹ���ж��ǰ�֡�ǰ����塢��̤�塢ǰɲ����ǰ���ܡ����桢����֮���������װ�Ľ�����ֽ���
front crawl ��Ӿ������Ӿ;
crawl backstroke ��Ӿ;
Shadows crawl on bloodstained floor ��Ӱ����Ѫ����쵵ĵذ�;