1. America today is a world away from the cruel and frightful bigotry of that time. ���������Ѿ���һ��ԶԶ�뿪�˵������ֲб�������ƫִ�����硣
2. But within the last hundred years, deserts have been increasing at frightful speed. �����������һ�����ɳĮ�Ժ������ŵ��ٶ����ӡ�
3. When that happens, it give rise to that frightful "discontent in our culture, " where nobody feels at home because a "father" and "mother" are missing . ��������ʱ������������ġ����Ļ��IJ���������ʱû���˻ؾ��ô��ڼң���Ϊһ����ĸ�ס����ס���ʧ�ˡ�
1. provoking horror
2. extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact
3. extremely distressing