1. We humans have dominated every species we have come into frequent contact with. ���������Ѿ�����������������֮�Ӵ�Ƶ�������֡�
2. The most frequent of these is the proposal to shorten the working week, usually by law. ���������������ÿ�ܹ�ʱ�����飬�����Է�����ʱ��ʽ���֡�
3. When air raids become more and more frequent, the battle window may pop up too much and start to annoy you. ����Ϯ���Խ��Խʱ��������ʱ����ս�۴��ڿ��ܳ���̫��������Ϳ�ʼʹ����ա�
1. do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
2. be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place adj.
1. coming at short intervals or habitually
2. frequently encountered