1. These restrictions and more formal restrictions on freedom of the press and academic freedom had a chilling effect on freedom of speech. ��Щ�����Լ������ź�ѧ�����ɵĸ�����ʽ�����ƶ��������ɲ�������ЧӦ��
2. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. ��ˣ������ɵ������ص����º����ݵĴ�Сɽ�ߣ������ɵ������ص���ŦԼ�ݵij�ɽ���룻�����ɵ������ص��ڱ�Ϧ�������ݵİ��������ɽ����
3. So let freedom ring -- from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire, let freedom ring; from the mayy mountains of New York. Let freedom ring -- from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. ��ˣ������ɵ��������º���ʲ���ݾ��ɽ������ɡ������ɵ�������ŦԼ��ΡΡȺɽ����ɣ������ɵ������ӱ�Ϧ�������ݰ��������ԭ����ɣ�
4. These restrictions and more formal restrictions on freedom of the press and academic freedom had a chilling effect on freedom of speech. ��Щ�����Լ������ź�ѧ�����ɵĸ�����ʽ�����ƶ��������ɲ�������ЧӦ��
5. Arthur was sent to Germany where he was trained in advanced fighter tactics by the German Luftwaffe at its Fighter School at Bie Munich. ��ɪ�������¹�������Ľ��ڵķ���ѧУ�����ŵ¹��վ����Ƚ��ķ���ս����ѵ����