1. Fig. 8. Effect of chitosan additions on L-value of frankfurter sausage during storage at 4��. ͼ8����ͬŨ��֮����������4��������6�ܶԷ����˸��㳦����ֵ֮Ӱ�졣
2. Fig. 4. Effect of chitosan additions on psychrotrophic bacteria of frankfurter sausage during storage at 4��. ͼ4����ͬŨ��֮����������4��������6�ܶԷ����˸��㳦���¾���֮Ӱ�졣
3. Breakfast was served on the plane, a very nice scrambled egg, frankfurter and tomato with hash brown (mushy vegetables for the veggies! ����ǹ�ְ�ڷɻ�������һ�ַdz��õ�һ�ѷ䵰�������˸��ͷ���ɢ�в��ʣ���״�߲ˣ�Ϊ�߲ˣ�
1. a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll