1. The hurt to healthy of Lead contain the foul-up of NerverSystem and Procreate System. ��Ǧ�йصĽ���Σ��������ϵͳ������ϵͳ���ң������巢���ٻ���
2. Toppling the Iraqi regime with only a vague plan as to what to put in its place has been the defining foul-up of the presidency. ��ƾһ������������ƻ����������Ȩ�ѳ�Ϊ��ͳ���ִ���ʧ�ߵ��ж���
3. Gary: He's mad about the spreadsheet. Keep your eyes open-he might engineer some sort of foul-up and then try to make you take the fall. ��������Ϊ���������ºܲ�ˬ����Ҫʱʱ��߾���---�����ܻ��������һЩ���ң�Ȼ�����ͼ����һ��е��������Ρ�
1. an embarrassing mistake
2. make a mess of, destroy or ruin