1. He forthrightly repeated his demand for an end to Jewish colonisation of Palestinian territory. ��̹�ʵ��ظ���ֹͣ�ڰ���˹̹����������̫�˶��ӵ��Ҫ��
2. " scriptural " saying forthrightly is Marx the result of the critically research to plutonomy and history. ���ָ塷ֱ�ӵ�˵������˼�����ξ���ѧ����ʷ�������о��Ľ����
3. These are significant issues, and there are others as well �C and yet I am confident that the United States and China have enough mutual trust to honestly and forthrightly exchange our concerns. �������ڱȽ����ص����⣬����������������⡣�������ţ��������й����㹻�Ļ�����̹�ʵؾ����������ĵ����⽻�������
1. directly and without evasion; not roundabout
forthrightly ֱ�ʵ�;
cozendeal with forthrightly ��ƭ̹�϶Դ�;
Specifies intentions and concerns forthrightly ֱ�ʱ�����嶯������;
He said forthrightly that he cared little for politics because he could not understand the candidates ��̹�Զ����β������Ȥ����Ӣ�IJ��ã���λ��ѡ��˵��̫���ˣ�����������ı�ֽ���ɡ���;