1. The energy release can make accretion disks formidable power sources. �������ͷ�ʹ�����̳�Ϊ����������Դ��
2. This is the formidable motherland, is place which I grow, on this warm land, everywhere has the bright sunlight. ����ǿ�����������������ĵط�������Ƭ��ů�������ϣ��������в��õ����⡣
3. They are a formidable outfit in front of their own fans and we should be happy if we can manage an away draw against such a strong club. ��������ܴ����������������Լ��Ŀ�����֮ǰ��һ��ǿ����þߣ���������Ӧ�úܿ���һ�뿪�Կ���˵�ǿ׳���ֲ���ƽ�֡�
1. extremely impressive in strength or excellence
2. inspiring fear