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    1. If the salad is served before the meat course, the fork will be on the outside of the meat fork (the largest fork); if after, on the inside.
    2. Main product has fork-lift truck of grab of lorry of type of fork-lift truck, join with a hinge, hydraulic pressure, land leveler, mining and slippage fork-lift truck to wait.
    3. A driver awaiting the processor resource has its fork block linked into the fork queue.
    4. When you want others know that you are full, you can place your knife and fork together, with the prongs (tines) of the fork facing upwards on your plate.
    5. When you want others know that you are full, you can place your knife and fork together, with the prongs (tines) of the fork facing upwards on your plate.


    Fork-lift trucks--Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages--Mounting dimensions
    �泵 �ҹ��ͻ���ͻ���� ��װ�ߴ�;
    gear shift fork shifting fork speed shifting fork
    gear shift fork shifting fork speed shifting fork
    forked spanner fork spanner fork wrench
    forked spanner fork spanner fork wrench


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