1. If the salad is served before the meat course, the fork will be on the outside of the meat fork (the largest fork); if after, on the inside. �������ɫ�������⣬ɫ�������������ࣨ��������ģ�������������ɫ���Ļ���ɫ����ͷ�����ࡣ
2. Main product has fork-lift truck of grab of lorry of type of fork-lift truck, join with a hinge, hydraulic pressure, land leveler, mining and slippage fork-lift truck to wait. ��Ҫ��Ʒ��װ�ػ����½�ʽ������Һѹ�ھ����ƽ�ػ����ھ�װ�ػ��ͻ���װ�ػ��ȡ�
3. A driver awaiting the processor resource has its fork block linked into the fork queue. �ȴ���������Դ����������������ӵ��ֲ���е����ķֲ�顣
4. When you want others know that you are full, you can place your knife and fork together, with the prongs (tines) of the fork facing upwards on your plate. �������ñ���֪����Ա���ʱ���п�����ĵ��ӺͲ��Ӻ���һ���ҰѲ��ӵļ�ݳ��Ϸš�����ͼ��
5. When you want others know that you are full, you can place your knife and fork together, with the prongs (tines) of the fork facing upwards on your plate. �������ñ���֪����Ա���ʱ���п�����ĵ��ӺͲ��Ӻ���һ���ҰѲ��ӵļ�ݳ��Ϸš�����ͼ��
Fork-lift trucks--Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages--Mounting dimensions �泵 �ҹ��ͻ���ͻ���� ��װ�ߴ�;