1. Many top managers have expressed a willingness to trim their salaries and forgo bonuses. ��������ܱ�ʾԸ���������ǵĹ��ʲ���������
2. They are likely to forgo some good business opportunities, but also to make fewer mistakes. ���ǿ��ܻ��ʧһЩ�õ���ҵ���ᣬ��Ҳ���ٷ����ٴ���
3. Glamping began when wealthy adventurers wanted to explore the world but refused to forgo the comforts of cozy beds and fine china. ������¶Ӫ����Դ�ڣ���Щ��ԣ��̽�ռ�ϣ��̽�����磬���־ܾ���������ů�Ĵ������ϺõĴ�����
1. do without or cease to hold or adhere to
2. be earlier in time; go back further
3. lose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime
4. refrain from consuming