1. That simple greeting was the forerunner of today's Valentines Day . ������ʺ��������ߣ���������˽����
2. Stope optimization technology forerunner, the rational layout of the stope, stope parameter optimization, and upgrading is very important. �Ż��ɳ������ȵ����������òɳ����Ż��ɳ������������Ǽ�Ϊ��Ҫ�ġ�
3. Own equipments and craft production line of produce of forerunner and perfect of sale network, service system and quality management system. ӵ���Ƚ��������豸�����������Լ����Ƶ��������硢������ϵ������������ϵ��
1. anything that precedes something similar in time
2. a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
3. an indication of the approach of something or someone