2. Object oriented programming in some ways you could say that's just coming to the fore now, that's helpful. ���嵼��Ĺ滭��ijЩ���������˵�������ڵ�����������ǰ�棬�����а����ġ�
3. As a new idea and mode of library development at the information age, network library is applied fore and more widely. ����ͼ�����Ϊ��Ϣʱ��ͼ��ݷ�չ��ո�������ģʽ�����õ�Խ��Խ�㷺��Ӧ�á�
1. front part of a vessel or aircraft
2. situated at or toward the bow of a vessel
3. near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane