1. Being forceful and determined only gets you so far. �����ĺͼ����̬��ֻ�ܵ���Ϊֹ�ˡ�
2. Mr Landers argued back that he was too far gone by then, and that the government warnings had never been forceful enough. ����˹��������˵��������ʱ�Ѿ�Ϊʱ�����ˣ����������ľ���������������㹻��˵�����ġ�
3. McCullough said that the company focuses on "performance delivery"��i. e. forceful acceleration through extremely high low-end torque. ��˿����˵���ù�˾���ص��ǡ�ҵ������������ͨ�������ļ��ٶȷdz��ߵͶ�Ť�ء�
1. characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)
2. forceful and definite in expression or action