1. It is not sufficient for having a successful liver transplantation. to have a good surgery you should have at the same time a good hepatologist a good surgeon a good intensivist a good immunologist. ֻ���������Ƽ�������Ը���ֲ�ijɹ��Dz����ģ�ͬʱ��Ҫ������ĸβ�ѧ�ң���������ҽ�����������֢�ҽʦ�����������ѧ�ҡ�
2. The coating has properties of excellent adhesion, good mechanism performance. Good flexibility, good resistance to impact, good abrasion resistance. ���м�ǿ�ĸ������������Ļ�е�������ܣ������Ժá������ǿ�ȸߣ���ĥ����ǿ��
3. Focus beyond self. Reach out to those in need. Happiness increases helpfulness (those who feel good do good). But doing good also makes one feel good. ��ע���ҳ�Խ��������Ҫ�������ˡ������������Ҹ��С�������Ҳ�����˸о����á�
4. The coating has properties of excellent adhesion, good mechanism performance. Good flexibility, good resistance to impact, good abrasion resistance. ���м�ǿ�ĸ������������Ļ�е�������ܣ������Ժá������ǿ�ȸߣ���ĥ����ǿ��
5. That day, good clear blue light well through good good good far better abstruse! ��ʱ���죬��������������øߺ�Զ�����䣡
abidingly enduringly for good for good and all timelessly ���õ�;
abidingly enduringly for good for good and all timelessly ���õ�;