1. The bumps on a whale's flipper help form vortices that generate more lift, more smoothly. ������ͻ��IJ����������γ���������Щ�����Ը�ƽ�ȵķ�ʽ����������������������
2. The collision of steel strip with flipper guide on finish rolling unit is the reason of scar defect. ������Ϊ�ְ�ײ����������ർ���Dz������ȱ�ݵ�ԭ��������ɴ������ǽ��ȱ�ݵ��Ŵ����
3. E. control unit that flipper slips and precision adjustment, operators can manage the machine and operational data, HIGHWAYVISTA you can bring up the production of current and historical data. ���Ƶ�Ԫ������Ѹ�ٻ����;�����������Ա���Թ�����������ҵ���ݣ�HIGHWAYVISTA����Ե�����ǰ����ʷ�������ݡ�
1. a shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming (especially underwater)
2. the flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimming