escape �������ܵĽ������ǿ������ʱ�Ĵ�æ��Σ������� flee �����ôʣ�����ָ����ʱ������æ���ຬ����֮�⡣ fly ������flee��ͬ����ϵ����ʽ�ôʡ� get away �����������ָ������Ӵ��ֳ����ܻ�ʱ���ߡ� run away �������ǿ������Ѹ�١�
1. The enemy were defeated and fled in disorder. ���˱����ܺ�ֻʶ��ӡ�
2. They could flee from forest fires. ���ǿ����ӹ�ɭ�ֻ��֡�
3. A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Flea said "Let us fly! " fly said "Let us flee! "So they flew through a flaw in the flue. һֻ�����һֻ��Ӭ�ɽ����̵������˵���������Ƿɰɣ�����Ӭ˵�����������Ӱɣ�����������ͨ���̵����ѷ�����ˡ�