1. Operation of the game box : Key firing bullets, levels of control. ��Ϸ�������ո�������ӵ����������ҿ��Ʒ���
2. Head teachers have wide discretion in the hiring and firing of teachers and are free to pay by results as they think fit. �ڹ��úͽ�Ƹ��ʦ���棬У��ӵ����ȫ�����ɲ���Ȩ��������������Ϊ���ʵĽ��ȥ���ɸ����ʡ�
3. This is a wonderful tour Dart hand, the game can choose a variety of features to dart firing, and can process as the game opened a variety of maps. ����һ��ʵķ������Σ���Ϸ�п���ѡ����ֲ�ͬ���ܵķ�����������������������Ϸ�Ľ��̴��ֲ�ͬ�ĵ�ͼ��
1. the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy
2. the act of discharging a gun
3. the act of setting something on fire
4. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)